In addition to cleaning and maintaining aquariums, we also source and supply livestock for clients and their fish tanks.
In order to do so, Your Aquarium works closely with a number of fantastic importers, wholesalers, professional breeders, and retailers. We’ve also built strong relationships with some exceptional hobbyist breeders, both in the UK and overseas.
As a result, we can track down most fish species, including unusual, rare, and seldom seen varieties. At the same time, we remain wholly committed to the ethical sourcing and supply of livestock.
With that, we will never source or supply wild-caught examples of species deemed to be threatened in their natural habitats. As a rule, we also refrain from sourcing or supplying so-called ‘tank busters’ like alligator gar and red-tailed catfish.
Where possible, we always source captive-bred fish rather than wild-caught specimens. In the case of wild-caught fish, every effort is made to ensure that they’re responsibly collected.
On a day-to-day basis, we have access to a fantastic selection of best-selling and more unusual tropical fish species, over 250 of which are listed below. We’re confident that these are among the healthiest, highest-quality, and best-quarantined examples in the country.
Livestock Categories
Listed below are tropical freshwater species only. Please contact us directly to enquire about marine fish, fancy goldfish, and other aquatic livestock. We’ve divided everything into around a dozen main categories. African cichlids contains both lake- and river-dwelling species, so Malawis and Tanganyikas plus jewel cichlids, kribs, and so on. For anything seemingly not categorised, check the oddball & miscellaneous list. This list includes, for example, eels, gobies, killifish, ricefish, puffers, and any other non-betta, non-gourami labyrinth fish.
Availability status is just a guide. This status isn’t live but was correct at the last check. There’s no guarantee that previously available fish remain as such. Meanwhile, previously unavailable varieties may now be obtainable, so it’s always a good idea to send us a message about any fish that you’re interested in.
These fish are offered solely to Your Aquarium clients and cannot be ordered for courier delivery or collection by non-clients. All fish are available exclusively hand-delivered in Lancashire, westernmost Yorkshire, and parts of Greater Manchester where our aquarium maintenance service is already available.
African Cichlid Livestock
American Cichlid Livestock
Barb & Rasbora Livestock
Betta & Gourami Livestock
Corydoras Livestock
Danio & Minnow Livestock
Livebearer Livestock
Loach & Shark Livestock
Oddball & Misc. Livestock
Other Catfish Livestock
Plec Livestock
Rainbowfish Livestock
Tetra & Pencilfish Livestock
African Cichlids
Common Name | Scientific Name | Availability |
Albino krib | Pelvicachromis pulcher (albino) | Available |
Blue emperor peacock | Aulonocara nyassae | Unavailable |
Demanson’s cichlid | Pseudotropheus demasoni | Available |
Electric yellow lab | Labidochromis caeruleus | Available |
Eureka peacock | Aulonocara jacobfreibergi | Unavailable |
Giraffe cichlid | Nimbochromis venustus | Available |
Lyretail cichlid | Neolamprologus brichardi | Available |
Nigerian red krib | Pelvicachromis taeniatus | Limited |
Rainbow krib | Pelvicachromis pulcher | Limited |
Red peacock | Aulonocara sp. | Unavailable |
American Cichlids
Common Name | Scientific Name | Availability |
Albino tiger oscar | Astronotus ocellatus (albino) | Available |
Angelfish – assorted | Pterophyllum scalare | Available |
Black angelfish | Pterophyllum scalare var. ‘Black’ | Available |
Blood parrot | Amphilophus citrinellus x Vieja melanurus | Unavailable |
Blue acara | Andinoacara pulcher | Available |
Blue and red flash cichlid | Thorichthys aureus | Available |
Blue angelfish | Pterophyllum scalare var. ‘Blue’ | Available |
Bolivian ram | Mikrogeophagus altispinosus | Available |
Bulgarian seal point angelfish | Pterophyllum scalare var. ‘Bulgarian seal point’ | Unavailable |
Dark knight ram | Mikrogeophagus ramirezi var. ‘Dark knight’ | Available |
Discus – assorted | Symphysodon sp. | Available |
Dwarf striped parrot fish | Amatitlania sp. hybrid | Unavailable |
Electric blue acara | Andinoacara pulcher var. ‘Electric blue’ | Available |
Electric blue Jack Dempsey | Rocio octofasciata var. ‘Electric blue’ | Available |
Electric blue ram | Mikrogeophagus ramirezi var. ‘Electric blue’ | Available |
Ellioti cichlid | Thorichthys ellioti | Unavailable |
German blue ram | Mikrogeophagus ramirezi | Available |
Gold head electric blue ram | Mikrogeophagus ramirezi var. ‘Gold head electric blue’ | Available |
Gold ram | Mikrogeophagus ramirezi var. ‘Gold’ | Available |
Green severum | Heros efasciatus | Available |
Keyhole cichlid | Cleithracara maronii | Unavailable |
Koi angelfish | Pterophyllum scalare var. ‘Koi’ | Available |
Krobia cichlid | Krobia xinguensis | Available |
Lemon yellow oscar | Astronotus ocellatus var. ‘Lemon yellow’ | Available |
Leopard angelfish | Pterophyllum scalare var. ‘Leopard’ | Available |
Panda angelfish | Pterophyllum scalare var. ‘Panda’ | Available |
Panduro apisto | Apistogramma panduro | Unavailable |
Platinum angelfish | Pterophyllum scalare var. ‘Platinum’ | Available |
Red devil angelfish | Pterophyllum scalare var. ‘Red devil’ | Available |
Red tiger oscar | Astronotus ocellatus | Available |
Red-masked Macmaster’s apisto | Apistogramma macmasteri var. ‘Red mask’ | Available |
Smooth red oscar | Astronotus ocellatus var. ‘Smooth red’ | Unavailable |
T-bar cichlid | Amatitlania sajica | Available |
Three-striped dwarf cichlid | Apistogramma trifasciata | Available |
Triple red cockatoo | Apistogramma cacatuoides var. ‘Triple red’ | Available |
White dwarf parrot fish | Amatitlania sp. hybrid var. ‘White’ | Available |
Barbs & Rasboras
Common Name | Scientific Name | Availability |
Albino tiger barb | Puntigrus tetrazona (albino) | Available |
Checkered barb | Oliotius oligolepis | Available |
Cherry barb | Puntius titteya | Available |
Chilli rasbora | Boraras brigittae | Available |
Drape fin barb | Oreichthys crenuchoides | Available |
Eight-banded barb | Eirmotus octozona | Available |
Emerald dwarf rasbora | Danio erythromicron | Available |
Emerald eye rasbora | Brevibora dorsiocellata | Available |
Espei rasbora | Trigonostigma espei | Available |
Filament barb | Dawkinsia filamentosa | Available |
Five-banded barb | Desmopuntius pentazona | Available |
Fluorescent green tiger barb | Puntigrus tetrazona var. ‘Fluoro-green’ | Available |
Glowlight rasbora | Trigonostigma hengeli | Available |
Gold harlequin rasbora | Trigonostigma heteromorpha var. ‘Gold’ | Available |
Gold red-line torpedo barb | Sahyadria denisonii var. ‘Gold’ | Available |
Green tiger barb | Puntigrus tetrazona var. ‘Green’ | Available |
Harlequin rasbora | Trigonostigma heteromorpha | Available |
Long fin cherry barb | Puntius titteya var. ‘Long fin’ | Available |
Neon blue rasbora | Sundadanio axelrodi | Unavailable |
Neon green dwarf rasbora | Microdevario kubotai | Unavailable |
Odessa barb | Pethia padamya | Available |
Phoenix rasbora | Boraras merah | Available |
Purple harlequin rasbora | Trigonostigma heteromorpha var. ‘Purple’ | Available |
Purple-headed black ruby barb | Pethia nigrofasciata | Available |
Red melon panda barb | Haludaria fasciata | Available |
Roseline shark/Red-line torpedo barb | Sahyadria denisonii | Available |
Rosy barb | Pethia conchonius | Available |
Strawberry rasbora | Boraras naevus | Available |
Tiger barb | Puntigrus tetrazona | Available |
Bettas & Gouramis
Common Name | Scientific Name | Availability |
Croaking gourami | Trichopsis vittata | Unavailable |
Dwarf gourami | Trichogaster lalius | Limited |
Electric blue dwarf gourami | Trichogaster lalius var. ‘Electric blue’ | Available |
Gold gourami | Trichopodus trichopterus var. ‘Gold’ | Available |
Gold honey gourami | Trichogaster chuna var. ‘Gold’ | Available |
Moonlight gourami | Trichopodus microlepis | Available |
Neon blue dwarf gourami | Trichogaster lalius var. ‘Neon blue’ | Available |
Neon red dwarf gourami | Trichogaster lalius var. ‘Neon red’ | Unavailable |
Opaline three-spot gourami | Trichopodus trichopterus | Available |
Pastel dwarf gourami | Trichogaster lalius var. ‘Pastel’ | Available |
Pearl gourami | Trichopodus leerii | Available |
Red honey gourami | Trichogaster chuna var. ‘Red’ | Available |
Siamese fighter – assorted | Betta splendens | Available |
Sparkling gourami | Trichopsis pumila | Available |
Vaillant’s samurai chocolate gourami | Sphaerichthys vaillanti | Unavailable |
Wild-type honey gourami | Trichogaster chuna | Available |
Common Name | Scientific Name | Availability |
Adolfo’s cory | Corydoras adolfoi | Available |
Albino bronze cory | Corydoras aeneus (albino) | Available |
Albino Sterba’s cory | Corydoras sterbai (albino) | Unavailable |
Aspidoras dwarf cory | Aspidoras spilotus | Available |
Bronze cory | Corydoras aeneus | Available |
Emerald cory | Brochis splendens | Available |
False network cory | Corydoras sodalis | Available |
Green-gold cory | Corydoras melanotaenia | Available |
Gold laser cory | Corydoras sp. | Available |
Long-finned cory | Corydoras longipinnis | Available |
Long-nosed fairy cory | Corydoras sychri | Available |
Napo cory | Corydoras napoensis | Unavailable |
Northern long-nosed cory | Corydoras septentrionalis | Available |
Orange Venezuelan cory | Corydoras venezuelanus | Available |
Panda cory | Corydoras panda | Available |
Peppered cory | Corydoras paleatus | Available |
Pygmy cory | Corydoras pygmaeus | Available |
Salt and pepper dwarf cory | Corydoras habrosus | Available |
Schwartz’s cory | Corydoras schwartzi | Available |
Skunk cory | Corydoras arcuatus | Available |
Slate cory | Corydoras concolor | Available |
Sterba’s cory | Corydoras sterbai | Available |
Surinam ‘little’ cory | Corydoras nanus | Available |
Two line cory | Corydoras parallelus | Available |
Venezuelan black cory | Corydoras schultzei | Available |
Danios & Minnows
Common Name | Scientific Name | Availability |
Celestial pearl danio | Celestichthys margaritatus | Available |
Glowlight danio | Danio choprae | Available |
Gold White Cloud Mountain minnow | Tanichthys albonubes var. ‘Gold’ | Available |
Gold zebra danio | Danio rerio var. ‘Gold’ | Available |
Leopard danio | Danio frankei | Available |
Long fin leopard danio | Danio frankei var. ‘Long fin’ | Available |
Long fin zebra danio | Danio rerio var. ‘Long fin’ | Available |
Malabar danio | Devario malabaricus | Available |
Orange-finned danio | Danio kyathit | Available |
Pearl danio | Danio albolineatus | Available |
White Cloud Mountain minnow | Tanichthys albonubes | Available |
Zebra danio | Danio rerio | Available |
Common Name | Scientific Name | Availability |
Balloon molly – assorted | Poecilia sp. | Available |
Black molly | Poecilia sphenops | Available |
Black platy | Xiphophorus sp. | Available |
Blonde guppy | Poecilia reticulata var. ‘Blonde’ | Available |
Blue platy | Xiphophorus maculatus var. ‘Blue’ | Available |
Blue-tail guppy | Poecilia reticulata var. Blue tail’ | Unavailable |
Cobra tuxedo guppy | Poecilia reticulata var. ‘Cobra tux’ | Unavailable |
Coral red platy | Xiphophorus sp. | Available |
Dalmatian molly | Poecilia latipinna | Available |
Endler’s livebearer – assorted | Poecilia wingei | Unavailable |
Fruit salad platy | Xiphophorus sp. var. ‘Fruit salad’ | Available |
German yellow guppy | Poecilia reticulata var. ‘German yellow’ | Available |
Glowlight platy – assorted | Xiphophorus sp. | Available |
Gold dust lyretail molly | Poecilia sphenops var. ‘Gold dust lyretail’ | Unavailable |
Gold dust molly | Poecilia sphenops var. ‘Gold dust’ | Unavailable |
Kohaku koi swordtail | Xiphophorus helleri var. ‘Kohaku koi’ | Available |
Marbled koi swordtail | Xiphophorus helleri var. ‘Marble koi’ | Available |
Mickey mouse platy – assorted | Xiphophorus sp. | Available |
Moscow white guppy | Poecilia reticulata var. ‘Moscow white’ | Available |
Neon blue guppy | Poecilia reticulata var. ‘Neon blue’ | Unavailable |
Panda platy | Xiphophorus sp. var ‘Panda’ | Available |
Pigeon blood guppy | Poecilia reticulata var. ‘Pigeon blood’ | Unavailable |
Pineapple swordtail | Xiphophorus helleri var. ‘Pineapple’ | Available |
Pink comet swordtail | Xiphophorus helleri var. ‘Pink comet’ | Unavailable |
Red cobra guppy | Poecilia reticulata var. ‘Red cobra’ | Available |
Red comet platy | Xiphophorus sp. | Available |
Red dragon guppy | Poecilia reticulata var. ‘Red dragon’ | Available |
Red flamingo guppy | Poecilia reticulata var. ‘Red flamingo’ | Available |
Red wagtail platy | Xiphophorus sp. | Available |
Saffron molly | Poecilia sphenops var. ‘Saffron’ | Available |
Santa Claus dumbo guppy | Poecilia reticulata var. ‘Santa Claus dumbo’ | Available |
Silver lyretail molly | Poecilia sphenops var. ‘Silver lyretail’ | Available |
Silver molly | Poecilia sphenops var. ‘Silver’ | Available |
Sunset guppy | Poecilia reticulata var. ‘Sunset’ | Available |
Sunset platy | Xiphophorus sp. | Available |
Tiger swordtail | Xiphophorus helleri var. ‘Tiger’ | Available |
Yellow tuxedo guppy | Poecilia reticulata var. ‘Yellow tux’ | Available |
Loaches & Sharks
Common Name | Scientific Name | Availability |
Albino rainbow shark | Epalzeorhynchos frenatum (albino) | Available |
Banded kuhli loach | Pangio kuhlii | Available |
Black kuhli loach | Pangio oblonga | Available |
Clown loach | Chromobotia macracantha | Available |
Dwarf chain loach | Ambastaia sidthimunki | Available |
Hovering zebra loach | Yunnanilus cruciatus | Available |
Rainbow shark | Epalzeorhynchos frenatum | Available |
Red-tailed black shark | Epalzeorhynchos bicolor | Available |
Roseline shark – see Barb & Rasbora Livestock | ||
Silver shark – see Oddball & Misc. Livestock | ||
Sumo loach | Schistura balteata | Unavailable |
Oddballs & Miscellaneous
Common Name | Scientific Name | Availability |
Black ghost knifefish | Apteronotus albifrons | Unavailable |
Blue neon goby | Stiphodon atropurpureus | Available |
Blue perch | Badis badis | Available |
Celebes halfbeak | Nomorhamphus liemi | Available |
Daisy’s blue ricefish | Oryzias woworae | Available |
Dwarf pea pufferfish | Carinotetraodon travancoricus | Available |
Empire gudgeon | Hypseleotris compressa | Available |
Fire eel | Mastacembelus erythrotaenia | Unavailable |
Flying arrow goby | Sicyopus zosterophorus | Available |
Flying fox | Epalzeorhynchos kalopterus | Available |
Glass goby | Gobiopterus chuno | Available |
Golden wonder panchax | Aplocheilus lineatus var. ‘Gold’ | Available |
Norman’s lampeye killifish | Epiplatys annulatus | Available |
Panda garra | Garra flavatra | Available |
Rainbow shiner | Notropis chrosomus | Available |
Red shiner | Cyprinella lutrensis | Available |
Red-lipped goby | Sicyopus rubicundus | Available |
Red-tailed red-eyed puffer | Carinotetraodon irrubesco | Unavailable |
Siamese algae eater | Crossocheilus oblongus | Available |
Silver shark | Balantiocheilos melanopterus | Available |
Spotted headstander | Chilodus punctatus | Available |
Other Catfish
Common Name | Scientific Name | Availability |
African glass catfish | Pareutropius debauwi | Available |
Asian bumblebee catfish | Pseudomystus siamensis | Available |
Asian glass catfish | Kryptopterus bicirrhis | Available |
Asian stone moth catfish | Hara jerdoni | Available |
Black-winged hatchetfish | Carnegiella marthae | Available |
Colombian mouthbrooding whiptail | Crossoloricaria cephalaspis | Available |
Common oto | Otocinclus affinis | Available |
Cowboy whiptail catfish | Lamontichthys llanero | Available |
Decorated clown catfish | Synodontis decorus | Available |
Dwarf pink lake synodontis | Synodontis petricola var. ‘Pink’ | Available |
Eel-tailed banjo catfish | Platystacus cotylephorus | Unavailable |
False cuckoo catfish | Synodontis petricola | Available |
False upside-down catfish | Synodontis nigrita | Available |
Featherfin catfish | Synodontis eupterus | Available |
Giant otocinclus | Hypoptompoma gulare | Available |
Honeycomb/oil driftwood catfish | Centromochlus perugiae | Available |
Marbled hatchetfish | Carnegiella strigata | Available |
Pictus catfish | Pimelodus pictus | Available |
Pygmy hatchetfish | Carnegiella myersi | Available |
Red lizard whiptail | Rineloricaria sp. | Available |
Royal farlowella | Sturisoma sp. | Available |
Silver hatchetfish | Gasteropelecus sternicla | Available |
Spoonface whiptail | Planiloricaria cryptodon | Available |
Zebra otocinclus | Otocinclus cocama | Unavailable |
Common Name/L Number | SCientific Name | Availability |
Adonis plec L155 | Acanthicus adonis | Available |
Blue phantom plec L128 | Hemiancistrus sp. | Unavailable |
Blue-eyed red fin plec L137 | Hypostomus soniae | Available |
Bristlenose plec | Ancistrus sp. | Available |
Brown dot plec L006 | Peckoltia oligospila | Available |
Calico bristlenose plec | Ancistrus sp. var. ‘Calico’ | Available |
Candy-striped plec L015 | Peckoltia vittata | Available |
Clown plec L206 | Panaqolus sp. | Available |
Cracked zebra plec L236 | Hypancistrus sp. | Available |
Flash plec L204 | Panaqolus albivermis | Available |
German red bristlenose plec | Ancistrus sp. var. ‘German red’ | Available |
Gold nugget plec L018 | Baryancistrus xanthellus | Unavailable |
Golden vampire plec L172a | Leporacanthicus heterodon | Limited |
Hi-fin green phantom plec L200 | Baryancistrus demantoides | Unavailable |
Iquitos tiger plec L226 | Panaqolus changae | Available |
King tiger plec L066 | Hypancistrus sp. | Available |
Maze zebra plec L333 | Hypancistrus sp. | Available |
Medusa plec L034 | Ancistrus ranunculus | Available |
Mega clown plec L340 | Hypancistrus sp. | Available |
Orinoco angel plec L201 | Hypancistrus sp. | Available |
Orinoco galaxy plec L240 | Leporacanthicus cf. galaxias | Unavailable |
Queen arabesque plec L260 | Hypancistrus sp. | Available |
Red fin thresher plec L011 | Aphanotorulus emarginatus | Available |
Red stripe plec L397 | Panaqolus sp. | Available |
Royal plec L190 | Panaque nigrolineatus | Unavailable |
Sunshine bristlenose plec | Ancistrus sp. var. ‘Sunshine’ | Unavailable |
Sunshine goldie plec L014 | Scobinancistrus aureatus | Available |
Tanke tiger plec L398 | Panaqolus tankei | Available |
Tapajos royal plec L027 | Panaque armbrusteri | Available |
Three beacon pleco L091 | Leporacanthicus triactis | Unavailable |
Tiger ‘peckoltia’ plec L002 | Panaqolus sp. | Available |
Vampire galaxy plec L029 | Leporacanthicus galaxias | Available |
Yellowhead zebra plec L199 | Hypancistrus furunculus | Available |
Zebra plec L046 | Hypancistrus zebra | Available |
Common Name | Scientific Name | Availability |
Alleni rainbowfish | Chilatherina alleni | Available |
Banded rainbowfish | Melanotaenia trifasciata | Available |
Bleher’s rainbowfish | Chilatherina bleheri | Available |
Blue rainbowfish | Melanotaenia lacustris | Available |
Boeseman’s rainbowfish | Melanotaenia boesemani | Available |
Celebes rainbowfish | Marosatherina ladigesi | Available |
Dwarf neon rainbowfish | Melanotaenia praecox | Available |
Gary Lange’s rainbowfish | Melanotaenia garylangei | Available |
MacCulloch’s rainbowfish | Melanotaenia maccullochi | Unavailable |
Red Lake Aitinjo rainbowfish | Melanotaenia boesemani var. ‘Lake Aitinjo red’ | Limited |
Red rainbowfish | Glossolepis incisus | Available |
Yellow Lake Ajamaru rainbowfish | Melanotaenia boesemani var. ‘Lake Ajamaru yellow’ | Limited |
Tetras & Pencilfish
Common Name | Scientific Name | Availability |
African long-fin tetra | Bryconalestes longipinnis | Available |
Albino congo tetra | Phenacogrammus interruptus (albino) | Available |
Albino glowlight tetra | Hemigrammus erythrozonus (albino) | Available |
Beckford’s pencilfish | Nannostomus beckfordi | Limited |
Black diamond neon tetra | Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi var. ‘Diamond’ | Available |
Black emperor tetra | Nematobrycon palmeri var. ‘Black’ | Available |
Black neon tetra | Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi | Available |
Black phantom tetra | Hyphessobrycon megalopterus | Available |
Black widow skirt tetra | Gymnocorymbus ternetzi | Available |
Blackline-tail tetra | Moenkhausia costae | Available |
Bleeding heart tetra | Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma | Available |
Bloodfin tetra | Aphyocharax anisitsi | Available |
Blue diamond congo tetra | Alestopetersius Smykalai | Available |
Blue tetra | Boehlkea fredcochui | Available |
Brilliant neon tetra | Paracheirodon innesi var. ‘Brilliant’ | Available |
Brilliant rummy nose tetra | Hemigrammus bleheri var. ‘Brilliant’ | Available |
Cardinal tetra | Paracheirodon axelrodi | Available |
Colombian tetra | Hyphessobrycon columbianus | Available |
Congo tetra | Phenacogrammus interruptus | Available |
Dawn tetra | Aphyocharax nattereri | Available |
Diamond tetra | Moenkhausia pittieri | Available |
Ember tetra | Hyphessobrycon amandae | Available |
Flame tetra | Hyphessobrycon flammeus | Available |
Glowlight tetra | Hemigrammus erythrozonus | Available |
Gold tetra | Hemigrammus rodwayi | Available |
Green fire tetra | Aphyocharax rathbuni | Available |
Kitty tetra | Hyphessobrycon heliacus | Available |
Lemon tetra | Hyphessobrycon pulchripinnis | Available |
Loreto tetra | Hyphessobrycon loretoensis | Available |
Neon tetra | Paracheirodon innesi | Available |
Ornate tetra | Hyphessobrycon bentosi | Unavailable |
Penguin tetra | Thayeria boehlkei | Available |
Pretty tetra | Hemigrammus pulcher | Available |
Pristella X-ray tetra | Pristella maxillaris | Available |
Rainbow emperor tetra | Nematobrycon lacortei | Available |
Red Beckford’s pencilfish | Nannostomus beckfordi var. ‘Red’ | Limited |
Red laser tetra | Hemigrammus coeruleus | Available |
Red phantom tetra | Hyphessobrycon sweglesi | Available |
Reed Tetra | Hyphessobrycon elachys | Unavailable |
Rosy tetra | Hyphessobrycon rosaceus | Available |
Rummy nose tetra | Hemigrammus bleheri | Unavailable |
Silver tip tetra | Hasemania nana | Available |
White widow skirt tetra | Gymnocorymbus ternetzi var. ‘White’ | Available |
‘Wild’ green neon tetra | Paracheirodon simulans | Available |
Yellow phantom tetra | Hyphessobrycon roseus | Available |
Yellow-tailed congo tetra | Alestopetersius caudalis | Available |
For further information about any of the above fish or to enquire about a specific species not listed here, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Your Aquarium can also source and supply high-end fancy goldfish and a wide variety of saltwater livestock. In the case of saltwater livestock, that includes fish, corals, clean-up crew, and other invertebrates.