Livestock Sourcing List Updated

Following the arrival of some fantastic new fish, we’ve updated our ever-growing aquarium livestock sourcing list. Newly available species include some spectacular and rare rainbowfish, L-number catfish, and many other thoroughly unusual oddballs. These include some seldom-seen hatchetfish and gobies.

Other newcomers are black kuhli loaches, blue perch, drape fin barbs, giant otos, spotted headstanders, and lots of lovely, less common tetras and livebearer varieties. The more than 60 new additions to the list are as follows:

  • Adonis plec L155
  • Alleni rainbowfish
  • Asian bumblebee catfish
  • Black emperor tetra
  • Black kuhli loach
  • Black-winged hatchetfish
  • Bleher’s rainbowfish
  • Blue angelfish
  • Blue perch
  • Blue tetra
  • Brilliant neon tetra
  • Chilli rasbora
  • Cowboy whiptail catfish
  • Cracked zebra plec L236
  • Dawn tetra
  • Diamond tetra
  • Drape fin barb
  • Eight-banded barb
  • Emerald dwarf rasbora
  • False upside-down catfish
  • Flame tetra
  • Flying arrow goby
  • Fruit salad platy
  • Gary Lange’s rainbowfish
  • German yellow guppy
  • Giant otocinclus
  • Glass goby
  • Gold red-line torpedo barb
  • Gold zebra danio
  • Green-gold cory
  • Iquitos tiger plec L226
  • Kitty tetra
  • Leopard angelfish
  • Long fin cherry barb
  • Long-nosed fairy cory
  • Loreto tetra
  • Malabar danio
  • Marbled hatchetfish
  • Moscow white guppy
  • Orinoco angel plec L201
  • Ornate tetra
  • Panda angelfish
  • Panda platy
  • Phoenix rasbora
  • Pretty tetra
  • Pygmy hatchetfish
  • Rainbow emperor tetra
  • Red cobra guppy
  • Red dragon guppy
  • Red flamingo guppy
  • Red Lake Aitinjo rainbowfish
  • Red shiner
  • Red-lipped goby
  • Red stripe plec L397
  • Saffron molly
  • Santa Claus dumbo guppy
  • Schwartz’s cory
  • Silver hatchetfish
  • Spotted headstander
  • Sterba’s cory
  • Strawberry rasbora
  • Tiger swordtail
  • White dwarf parrot fish
  • Yellow Lake Ajamaru rainbowfish
  • Yellow-tailed Congo tetra
  • Zebra plec L046

As ever, we’re confident that all of the above are among the healthiest, highest-quality, and best-quarantined tropical fish in the country. The gold red-line torpedo barbs are especially lovely and a fish that’s not often seen in the trade.

These fish are offered solely to Your Aquarium clients and cannot be ordered for courier delivery or collection by non-clients. All fish are available exclusively hand-delivered in Lancashire, westernmost Yorkshire, and parts of Greater Manchester, where our fish tank maintenance service is already available.

Click through to the aquarium livestock sourcing page for scientific names and each fish categorised into African cichlids, American cichlids, barbs & rasboras, bettas & gouramis, corydoras, danios & minnows, livebearers, loaches & sharks, oddballs & misc., other catfish, plecs, rainbowfish, and tetras & pencilfish.