Pampered Pussy Gets His Own £1,800 Aquarium!

One cat is living the feline dream after his owner spent £1,800 creating a custom aquarium specifically designed for his viewing pleasure.

Jasper the Siamese cat used to spend hours entranced by Melissa Krieger’s fish as he gazed into her aquarium from a dining room chair.

So when the 53-year-old’s aquarium maintenance provider was cleaning the tank late last year, the pair devised a plan to build a ‘mini SeaWorld’ so the intrigued feline could feel like he’s underwater too.

The mesmerised moggy now spends his time looking up and around the tank at the array of colourful fish and he even paws at the hatch to try and touch the tropical pets like a child at an aquarium.

Continue reading: Pampered cat gets his own £1,800 aquarium with special fish viewing window via Metro

Photo credit: @jasperthecatfish